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Whether we like to admit it or not, Valentine’s Day can be a triggering day for women. 


It’s often another day that leads to comparing your life to someone else’s and causes you to focus on what you don’t have. 


And I don't know about you, but I’ve had just about enough of that! So I’ve created a space to change that. 


Instead of spending your night scrolling social media looking at other couples, avoiding IG at all costs or being angry at your boo for not doing what you wished they would… join me and a group of other women instead! 


Bring your favorite beverage on screen, let’s have some girl talk and cheers to resetting the tone of this day by learning how to raise the vibe + quality of your own life!


If you're a woman who... 

Doesn’t have a boo to spend this night with 


Has a boo that won’t make you feel special


Chooses not to celebrate this day with your significant other + prefers some educational girl time




Registration is OPEN at an incredibly low early bird rate that expires on February 7th so don’t procrastinate 😉 


You’ll also have the option of joining a private Facebook group with members of this class only. My goal is to not only give you a great V-DAY but to also keep you all connected for anyone who’s looking to make new adult female friendships!



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